The choice and initiative to request reasonable accommodations and aids as a person with disabilities belongs to you as the student. The first step is for you to schedule an appointment with Disability Support Services Staff. Contact DSS at (805) 493-3464 or
The initial appointment is meant to provide an overview of DSS, explore your individual disability-related needs in the academic setting, and discuss the necessary paperwork for registering with DSS.
In order to register with DSS, the following items need to be addressed:
- Schedule a meeting with the DSS Staff. This is your responsibility as the student to schedule the initial meeting, and it is best to do so several weeks prior to the start of the semester or term.
- Provide recent disability information stating your situation/ diagnosis with specific description how it impacts you in relation to academic goals and/or educational environment. (For further details, review the hand-out for appropriate disability information on the DSS website).
- Complete and submit the DSS Registration Forms. Ask the DSS Professional Staff if you need to submit any other forms as it may vary depending on requested accommodations.
- Be enrolled at Cal Lutheran.
- While there may be other circumstances in which you, as a student with a disability, discuss your disability with various institutional personnel, official recognition of your protected status under the law begins with this contact with DSS.
If DSS eligibility is determined, you are responsible to maintain a close relationship with DSS staff so that your requests can be met in a timely and reasonable way. You are also responsible to keep DSS aware of any academic problems or obstacles you may be encountering. Communicating with DSS is crucial as we are unable to assist unless we are made aware of challenges.
Some accommodations may take more time to arrange, so you need to discuss specific needs with the DSS coordinator well in advance of when the aids or services may be needed. Accommodations are not retro-active. It is strongly recommended that you activate your DSS services, and request necessary accommodations, prior to the start of each new semester/term.
Once registered, you are responsible for activating your DSS services each new term/semester. This process typically involves emailing your individual professors with your Letter of Accommodations (LOA) and a Note to the Faculty with a CC'd copy to DSS as a record of activation. DSS will respond within a few days to confirm activation upon receiving your CC'd email(s). DSS will provide the necessary LOA and more detailed instructions to you about this procedure after you complete the registration process. You are also responsible to request and use your approved accommodations each new semester/term.
Submitting further disability information is typically not required once you are registered with DSS. It is, however, your responsibility to provide an update to the office if there is any substantial change to be made to the initial disability information provided.